The Washington Manual® Outpatient Medicine Survival Guide | Mobile App

The Washington Manual® Outpatient Medicine Survival Guide provides mobile healthcare practitioners with the latest in trusted clinical information for more accurate, confident and informed decision-making at point-of-care.


Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Prepared by Washington University house staff and faculty, this electronic survival guide provides all the essential information that every intern needs from Day 1 in the outpatient clinic. This easy-to-navigate reference covers the most common diseases and situations encountered in an outpatient setting and includes key history and physical examination findings and red flags to look for. Content includes algorithms, common calls and complaints, key points on most common problems, essentials of what not to miss and when to refer/call for help, and what to tell the patient.

ISBN 10: 781743656

ISBN 13: 978-0781743655

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