Geriatric Anesthesia is the one-of-a-kind resource that reviews everything you need to know about anesthetics in the aged, including palliative care, pain, and polypharmacy. An invaluable resource to residents, students, and persons in clinical practice. This latest update is based on the
1st edition with additional features, enhanced functionality and ongoing updates!
Essential reading for anesthesiologists and geriatricians, this timely resource delivers a detailed overview of both the basic science and practical, day-to-day clinical issues related to the administration of anesthesia in geriatric patients. Geriatric Anesthesia begins with a look at the demographics and economic issues surrounding surgery and anesthesia in the elderly, plus the effects of aging on organ reserve. It then considers geriatric anesthetic implications across the full spectrum of organ systems-from the central/peripheral nervous system to the urinary/hepatic systems.
Key Features:
- Essential coverage of special topics-perioperative care of the patient with dementia/cognitive dysfunction and medical ethics, including end-of-life care.
- Expert authorship-a majority of the authors are from the prestigious Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Department of Anesthesia.
- Contains seven sections that provide an overview of the unique issues in anesthetizing the geriatric patient: general information; aging and its effects on organ reserve; pharmacology; preoperative assessment; controversies in intraoperative management; postoperative issues specific to the elderly; and special topics.
- The text is clinically oriented and pays attention to information that is critical to managing the elderly patient undergoing surgery and anesthesia.
- A key section on preoperative assessment, including guidelines on age and anesthetic risk, functional and nutritional status, polypharmacy.
- An insightful review of controversies in intraoperative management, such as the role of invasive monitoring in the elderly, thermoregulation, and hemodilution, prophylactic beta blockade, and regional vs. general anesthesia in achieving successful surgical outcome.
- Easy-to-understand tables and 100 line drawings that visually drive home key concepts throughout.
ISBN 10: 0071463089
ISBN 13: 978-0071463089
- CRAMS Scale
- European Myelopathy Score
- Glasgow Coma Scale
- Trauma Score