Lippincott's Pocket Histology | Mobile App

Go-to reference, review and study tool for histology with a strong focus on high-yield topics and presentation


Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Lippincott's Pocket Histology presents the essential information needed for course and board exam review in a concise, quick-reference format with tables, full-color images, and bullet-point text. The book contains multiple features identifying the clinical significance of concepts, as well as mnemonics to aid in the retention of facts. An index of terms and color-coded systems organization provide easy access to histological facts. This reference intuits how students typically study for exams and provides highly distilled content in one easily portable source.

Key Features
  • An introductory section on the basic principles of histology to provide a concise overview of concepts
  • Clinically significant facts for practical application
  • Over 300 full-color photomicrographs
  • Tables, diagrams, and a complete index of terms for quick reference
  • Mnemonic memory aids
  • Histological look-a-likes and tips for distinguishing among them

ISBN 10: 1451176139

ISBN 13: 9781451176131
