Management Guidelines for Nurse Practitioners Working with Older Adults | Mobile App & Web

Management Guidelines for Nurse Practitioners Working with Older Adults, 2nd Ed. provides mobile healthcare practitioners with the latest in trusted clinical information for more accurate, confident and informed decision-making at point-of-care.

Includes 1-year online access with WebView.


Publisher: F. A. Davis Company

Because of the continuing rapid growth of the older adult population, there will be an increased need for primary care providers to deliver age-specific care and direct disease management. This 2nd edition of Management Guidelines for Nurse Practitioners Working with Older Adults will serve as a clinical resource for advanced practice nurses and students who are privileged to provide primary care to older adults. Focused on common disorders seen in adults from both the medical and nursing perspectives, this revised reference addresses nursing diagnoses and patient education and provides your students with various approaches for assessing the older client. This handy reference also contains resources on the principles of promoting health and on the essentials of good nutrition for older adults.

  • Discusses 112 disorders seen in older adults
  • Reviews the physiologic and psychosocial changes associated with aging
  • Includes resources on principles of promoting health and on essentials of good nutrition
  • Discusses various approaches for assessing the client and obtaining all essential information in a timely fashion
  • Each monograph includes definition, etiology, occurrence, age, ethnicity, gender, contributing factors, signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, differential diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, sequelae, prevention/prophylaxis, referral guidelines, education, and references
  • Rationales added to differential diagnoses that helps differentiate one disorder from another
  • Complementary therapies added to treatment section
  • Psychosocial issues discussed
  • Organized by anatomical areas in a head-to-toe approach
  • Each disorder contains an overview of the essential elements to focus on during assessment
  • ICD-9 codes added to all the disorders
With Skyscape's patented smARTlink™ technology, NpGeriatric™ can easily cross-index with other clinical and drug prescription products from Skyscape to provide a powerful and integrated source of clinical information that you can carry with you wherever you go!

ISBN 10: 080361120X

ISBN 13: 978-0803611207

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