Mosby's Nursing Drug Reference | Mobile App

Based on 38th print ed. Over 5,000 trade & generic name drugs — including more than 25 new entries for drugs recently approved by the FDA. Black Box Warnings. Coverage of IV drug administration. 26 built-in calculators.


Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences Company

38th Edition

Choose the drug handbook trusted by nurses for over 35 years! Mosby's 2025 Nursing Drug Reference makes it easy to find the most vital information on the drugs you administer most frequently. More than 5,000 drugs are profiled — including more than 25 new entries for drugs recently approved by the FDA. And no other drug guide places a higher emphasis on patient safety, with Black Box Warnings for dangerous adverse reactions, High Alerts for drugs with the greatest risk, and a focus on both common and life-threatening side effects. From nursing pharmacology expert Linda Skidmore-Roth, this perennial bestseller proves there is a difference in drug guides.

Key Features

  • NEW! Drug monographs for more than 25 newly released, FDA-approved medications equip you with the latest drug information including generic names, trade names, pronunciations, do-not-confuse drugs, action, uses, contraindications, precautions, dosages and routes, side effects, pharmacokinetics, interactions (including drug/herb, drug/food and drug/lab test), nursing considerations, treatment of overdose, patient/family teaching, and more.
  • NEW! Several online-only drug monographs are added to the companion Evolve website, creating an overall total of more than 100 Evolve-only drug monographs for lesser-used medications.
  • NEW! Combinations heading for selected monographs highlight common combinations. More than 5,000 generic and trade-name drugs are profiled, covering almost every drug you will administer in practice or in clinicals.
  • Alphabetical organization by generic name provides quick and easy access to specific drugs, with both trade and generic names listed in the index.
  • Bolded coverage of IV drug administration highlights dosage and IV administration instructions, including safety considerations and Y-site, syringe, and additive compatibilities.
  • Nursing Process steps are used as the framework for organizing all nursing care information.
  • Complete pharmacokinetic information is summarized in a table and includes the mechanism and absorption of the drug as well as its action, duration, and excretion. Side effects information is organized by body system and identified as common or life threatening, showing signs to watch for during assessments.
  • High Alert headers highlight drugs that pose the greatest risk if administered improperly.
  • Black Box Warnings provide alerts to FDA warnings of dangerous or life-threatening drug reactions.
  • Overview of drug categories explains the safe administration of common classes of drugs, as well as their common side effects and interactions.
  • Mobile app is perfect for quick access in the clinical setting.

ISBN 10: 0443122008

ISBN 13: 9780443122002
