Neonatal Formulary: Drug Use in Pregnancy and the First Year of Life | Mobile App

Featuring updates related to specific drugs and dosing, "Neonatal Formulary" 7th Edition is an essential guide for neonatologists, neonatal nurses, hospital pharmacists, obstetric staff, advanced nurse practitioners and for all health care professionals caring for pregnant women and their infants in the first year of life.


Publisher: John Wiley & Son Inc. and its affiliates

7th Edition

Neonatal Formulary: Drug Use in Pregnancy and the First Year of Life continues to provide comprehensive guidance on the safe use of all the drugs prescribed during pregnancy and commonly given to babies during labour, delivery, and the first year of life.

The 7th Edition, provides improved and detailed coverage of the many drugs that are given to women during pregnancy and during lactation where the baby's welfare must be borne in mind as well as that of the mother. Thus the whole 'pregnancy through to parenthood' journey is treated as a continuous event with information about drug use and the effects of drugs at all stages of the development from fetus to infant. Containing far more detail than is available in the "British National Formulary for Children" and featuring updates related to specific drugs and dosing.

Key Features
  • Contains monographs on over 230 drugs listed in alphabetical order, used most often during labour and the first few months of life
  • Offers guidance on drug storage, safe drug administration, the care and use of intravascular lines, and the recognition, management and reporting of adverse reactions
  • Provides information on the main drugs used to modify the diet of babies with congenital enzyme deficiencies
  • A guide to some of the artificial milks used in babies with reflux, lactose intolerance and allergy
  • Identifies and provides electronic access to all relevant systematic Cochrane reviews
  • Significant interactions between drugs
  • Section available on how to administer bolus and IV infusions safely

    ISBN 10: 1118819594

    ISBN 13: 9781118819593
