Nursing Pro Suite | Mobile App

Skyscape Nursing Pro Suite is a dynamic, customizable solution that seamlessly integrates Davis's Drug Guide Nurse's, Intravenous Medications, Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, Medical Eponyms and more.

Publisher: Skyscape | Mosby | Saunders | Elsevier | F. A. Davis

Get 10 essential nursing resources in one powerful mobile app for just $209.95. (A $376 value!) That’s approximately 40% off the list price!

The Nursing Pro Suite is a comprehensive clinical decision support tool, developed specifically for practicing nurses and nursing students. It includes clinical, drug and laboratory information as well as useful medical calculators and treatment guidelines. Plus, you get ongoing content updates and free medical news and alerts.

Key Benefits
  • Core set of 10 essential nursing resources in one convenient package
  • All resources link together using Skyscape’s SmartLink™ to form one comprehensive knowledge base and support your natural thought process
  • Integrates with Skyscape's 400+ nursing and medical resources for even more decision support

Clinical Companion for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Clinical Judgment and Collaborative Care: Clinical Companion for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Clinical Judgment and Collaborative Care, 11th Edition is the go-to clinical companion for medical-surgical nursing with a focus on concepts and exemplars and emphasis of interprofessional collaborative care.
Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses: Based on 19th print ed. - 1,400+ monographs covering 5,000 trade name & generic drugs. 150 drug classifications. 700+ built-in dosage calculators. 1200+ Audio pronunciations.
Elsevier’s Intravenous Medications: For nearly 50 years - #1 IV drug handbook to safely administer more than 400 intravenous drugs! Drug monographs for 16 newly approved drugs by the FDA include the most current information
Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference: Based on 17th print Ed. Guide to Test Preparation & Procedures. Content reflects the latest research on the diagnostic values of results, accuracy of testing, and patient care and education for each test.
Mosby's Pocket Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions: Comprehensive, portable dictionary offers a unique, strong focus on nursing and health science terminology. Featuring over 33,000 authoritative definitions of diseases, procedures, equipment, drugs, and more...
Manual of Nursing Diagnosis: Manual of Nursing Diagnosis, Thirteenth Edition outlines the major diagnoses listed by NANDA-I in order to help nurses and students create care plans for patients with any range of ailments. Updated and organized to meet the needs of both novices and expert diagnosticians, it includes sample admission assessment guides for critical care, the family, community, and individuals, including adults, infants, and children.
Medical Eponyms: Medical Eponyms provides mobile healthcare practitioners with the latest in trusted clinical information for more accurate, confident and informed decision-making at point-of-care.
Skyscape Clinical Calculator Plus™: Skyscape Clinical Calculator PLUS™ Medical Calculator provides mobile healthcare practitioners with the latest in trusted clinical information for more accurate, confident and informed decision-making at point-of-care.
International Classification of Diseases: ICD-10-CM is the official system of assigning codes to diagnoses and procedures associated with hospital utilization in the United States.

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