Oncology Nursing Review | Mobile App

Oncology Nursing Review, Sixth Edition, is a vital study resource for oncology nurses preparing for the OCN® exam by the ONCC. This updated guide covers essential topics such as care continuum, treatment modalities, and symptom management. It includes over 1,000 practice questions, mobile app features for customized tests, and comprehensive rationales for effective exam preparation.


Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning

6th Edition

Oncology Nursing Review, Sixth Edition is an indispensable study guide for oncology nurses studying for the Oncology Certified Nurse (OCN®) exam offered by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC). Completely updated and revised to reflect the latest OCN® Test Blueprint, it focuses on the areas covered in the exam, including:

  • Care Continuum
  • Oncology Nursing Practice
  • Treatment Modalities
  • Symptom Management and Palliative Care
  • Oncologic Emergencies
  • Psychosocial Dimensions of Care

"Try before you buy" - Download the Oncology Nursing Review FREE App, which includes sample Chapter and practice questions.

The Sixth Edition offers more than 1,000 practice questions with comprehensive answer rationales. Also included are helpful page references to the classic texts, Cancer Nursing: Principles and Practice, Eighth Edition and Cancer Symptom Management, Fourth Edition, for additional information.

Using the mobile app prepare for examinations by offering practice and simulated tests, detailed rationales, and powerful data dashboards.

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Practice with simulated tests that mimic the actual exam

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Offering immediate answers for completed questions and comprehensive answer rationales in practice mode to enable you to choose whether to return to the dashboard to build new practice tests or attempt a simulated test that mimics the actual exam.

ISBN 10: 1284144925

ISBN 13: 9781284144925
