Skyscape Free Webinar Series
Skills Tools - A Mobile Approach for the Nursing Student of the 21st Century
Join us for 30 minutes to learn strategies to help students prioritize data for patient care.
Learning skills at a high level is critical for today's nursing student. When skills are just memorized as
steps in a list, the learning does not engage the clinical judgment level needed by nurses in practice.
In this webinar we will explore a set of tools in the Skyscape Skills Hub that allows for the learner to
not only take skills learning to new levels, but also evaluate their own abilities with quizzes, peer
feedback, instructor feedback, and self-video creation.
We will see how the Skills Hub creates
portfolio of learning for the student as well as a repository of data for the nursing program.
Presented by: Tim Bristol, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAADN, FAAN
For any questions, please contact us at [email protected]